28 dezembro 2007

Letter to a Friend

Dear friend, another Christmas is gone by and you are not here, may your Soul Rest In Peace in Heaven, and that you look upon us every day in each year we are not yet with you.
Even we don’t getter around much that doesn’t mean that you have forgot you or neglected you, we will always remind you and you will be always in our hearts and thoughts.
In this time of the year I always remember you, how much you liked Christmas, the trill you felt when you went shopping to you parents and brothers, how much you would like the hidden friend game and see everybody’s faces when open one of your maniac gifts.
The meaning and way that you live Christmas was to much, and I miss that so much, but most of all, I miss you, your happy face and wonderful smile, your truly thoughts and your way of giving to people.
This Christmas I write to you this letter to say, I LOVE you, I MISS you, and nothing is the same without you.
Many hags and kiss